Cutthroat trout on fiberglass fly rods

Chasing Natives - American Trout On Fiberglass Fly Rods

Our goal started out simple, to catch as many species of Cutthroat Trout that we could in their native ranges. As the trip went on it evolved into so much more than that. We travelled to places we ...

TipsFly fishing

Get Ready - how to make the most of those precious fishing days

~ By Bob Wyatt. Trout fishing is always a bit of a lottery.  That is, life intrudes. You choose to go fishing when you can go fishing. So, when you have your days planned, or just take them when yo...

Fly CastingDrop the Hokey Cokey and make a faster fly cast

Drop the Hokey Cokey and make a faster fly cast

Here's the hook keeper 3 step: 1/ You are walking along the river between pools with fly rod in hand, fly hooked on to the hook keeper. Low and behold a 4 pound Brown trout appears in a nice lie...

Fly Casting Accuracy - Get on Track

Practice so that you can pull this over head cast out of your bag of tricks whenever you need a super accurate straight line cast. This is not likely to be the cast that you use all day every day o...

More Pie - tips for fly casting weight

Casting heavy bead-head nymphs and big cone-head streamers brings a unique set of casting challenges that can not only be frustrating, they can break rods, hook ears and cause plenty of tangles and...

Get a Grip. Fly casting grips part III - Finger on top grip

Christian Stixner,  a good mate of mine from Germany (and expert Cane rod builder) favours this grip, not only is he one of the smoothest casters I've seen he can most certainly punch out a very l...