Fly Rod Building Episode 2- Cork Grip, fighting butt, reel seat assembly, guide spacings and spining the fly rod
Fly Rod Building

Building A Fly Rod Part 2- Cork Grip, fighting butt, reel seat, guide spacings and spining a fly rod

Fly Rod Building Episode 2- Cork Grip, fighting butt, reel seat assembly, guide spacings and spining the fly rod.

Fly Rod BuildingFly rod building kits Introduction with Magnus Lindhardt Introduction to all the parts included in our Epic Ready To Wrap Fly Rod Building Kits, unboxing, kit contents, rod wrapper, instruction book, box and stands.

Building A Fly Rod Part 1- the Epic Ready To Wrap Fly Rod Building Kit Introduction

Episode 1 Introduction with Magnus Lindhardt Introduction to all the parts included in our Epic Ready To Wrap Fly Rod Building Kits, unboxing, kit contents, rod wrapper, instruction book, box and s...

Fly Rod BuildingFly Rod Building Kits - how to build a fly rod

Epic Fly Rod Building - Ever wondered what it's like to build a fly rod with an Epic Fly Rod Building Kit?

Magnus Builds A Fly Rod - Teaser. Our friend Magnus (or rather, his brain) decides to build a fly rod using our Ready To Wrap Fly Rod Building Kit

Adventure5 weight Fiberglass glass fly rod

Every fly fisher should own at least one decent glass fly rod

I received my first-ever fibreglass fly rod from the kind folks at Epic Fly Rods (the new Reference 580 FastGlass) and spent a few great days on the river getting it to know it.

AdventureEpic fly rods the worlds best fly rods news article

Aotearoa. mountain. culture. (and some fly rods) 1964 Mag'

A while back the nice folks at 1964 mag' did an article on us in their fine mag. That article is now online, and if you're so inclined to read a bit about us, and our journey to making the worlds ...

Adventurefly fishing for trout and salmon

The “Fresh” - Chasing Migratory Fish With A Fly Rod

What are the triggers that make trout & Salmon run at a specific time? Every year trout and salmon leave their feeding grounds and begin to migrate back to the small streams and headwater spawn...