It always makes our day to get an email from one of our customers, even more so if it includes pics of their custom build. Here's a note from Clinton in Australia - Love those clear wraps & claret trim!
Gorgeous build, thanks for the pics Clinton!
Hi Carl,
I have finished my build of the Epic 580. It was my first rod building project and there are a couple of things I would do differently, but overall it turned out pretty good. I kept it simple with white silk wraps with a claret trim. Some photos attached.
More importantly, I am very impressed with the casting action of the rod. You have done a great job. It took me about 5 minutes to realise that I would overpowering my forward stroke and to slow it down a bit more (I was getting tailing loops right at the end as the leader turned over). But once I worked that out, it was sheer casting pleasure. There is something so pleasurable in slowing it down and letting the rod do the work. At the same time, it is fun to punch out long casts with a fast action rod, but that gets tiring over a long session on the water and it is not what I will use this rod for. The Epic also roll casts much better than any of my carbon fibre rods.
I tried a 4 and 6 wt line on it as I haven’t bought a 5 wt line yet. It handled both well, with the 6 wt obviously feeling better and loading the road nicely. I actually think I could get away with using that line on the rod long term, but I will buy a Rio Trout LT line in a 5 wt as I like the more gentle front taper compared to the Rio Gold that I am currently using on it.
Anyway, thanks for the great blank and I look forward to finishing it for years to come.
Cheers, Clinton.