Another great review for the Epics, this time in Fly Fishing & Fly Tying in the UK.
The rod was a commissioned custom build by Terry Bumford of Truly Custom Rods in the UK. Terry is one of our endorsed Epic Rod Builders in the UK. You can see more of Terry’s creations on his website
Glass-Fibre without ‘wobble’
Fly Fishing and Fly Tying (UK) July 2014
Review by Magnus Angus
Here’s an excerpt:
"The Epic bends deeper than comparable carbon rods, I cannot see why glass rods are sometimes compared with cane.I sort of expected the old, glass-rod wobble and weight, but this feels light in my hand, the action is deep certainly a lower stiffness than I’m used to. I found myself slowing and smoothing my casting just a little, lengthening my stroke.Loop control is good. Accuracy and presentation are both excellent. A very enjoyable casting and fishing tool, and nothing wobbled. The rating is for a #4 weight line - I can go a line heavier - I found myself casting a long line with relative ease, even though this is a small stream rod.Many years ago a tackle dealer friend told me that glass rods were still getting better when graphite and carbon-fibre replaced glass-fibre.Going by this blank I can believe it.”
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"This Looks cool!"
Congrat’s on a terrific build job & a great review Terry!