The Epic Carbon Series.Andrea and I have been beating around on the 590C (Andrea) and 690C (myself) for slightly over a year now. First impressions; mmmm black, I love the image of the raw carbon in lightly sanded state. At this point of the inspection phase I realized they are crazy light for a 5 and 6 line. Who doesn't love a light rod?
From a build stand point the tubes are relatively small diameter. The spigot overlap is deep which gives the rod a very unified feel in hand when assembled. The blank finish doesn't impede wrapping like some blanks with a higher unsanded ridge. They are true to line weight and I've found them to be understated by less than a half step on average. The 5 clocking at roughly 5.30 and the 6 somewhere slightly above at 6.49
The recovery rate is fast and with very little of the overall weight is in the tip section. This creates for a very nimble maneuverable end product. Behind that light tip is plenty of power. Which creates a great blend of close range delicacy (throwing just from the tip) and the ability to throw long distance bombs (engaging the rod along the full length) with in hand feel. It offers limitless potential, and fishes well across a broad spectrum. I run a tight guide profile on these to accentuate the light tip.
On water experience. The Carbon series has plenty of power for long lifts, tandem rigs, and aggressive double hauls. The lite and delicate tip telegraphs exceptionally well when dredging the bottom with weighted nymphs. Streamers on sink tips are a nonissue as well. Hooked up on a fish the rod shows all the characteristics of the Epic brand. Composed and confident, with a sacrificial tip that takes a quick curve defending lighter tippets. We have put some fish of size on both and the rod doesn't care both have plenty of down low power for steering fish even in fast water.
I could go on and on, but simply these are extremely proficient capable rods that can not be dismissed.
Zeb Tonkavich
Snowman Custom Rod Works