Some of the worlds most talented and creative rod builders are about to have their way with a bunch of Epic S2 Glass blanks
With the help of Cameron Mortenson fromThe Fibreglass Manifestowe've enlisted three top glass builders from across the globe to do a freestyle build on one of our new Epic blanks.
Our Epic Builders are:
Matt Leiderman
Leiderman Rods
Leiderman Rods
Leiderman Rods on Facebook
Callum Ross
Indi River Rods
George Minculete
TIghtloop Fly Rods
Callum Ross
Indi River Rods
George Minculete
TIghtloop Fly Rods
Each builder has the blank of their choice being shipped to them, in terms of build, they can do whatever they fancy.
The completed rods will then be forwarded to Cameron at the Fibreglass Manifesto to be included in their rod loan program - Epic!
Sincere thanks to Cameron for organising this for us, and absolute gratitude to our Epic Rod Builders for agreeing to take part.
Can't wait to see what Matt, Callum and George come up with!

Epic Blanks racked up and ready to roll out to our Epic Builders

Salsa certainly seems to be flavour of the month!