Snow Peak Acquires Majority Stake in Swift Fly Fishing Company
September 12, 2024 - For Immediate Release. Snow Peak Acquires Majority Stake in Swift Fly Fishing Company Portland, OR - September 12, 2024 - Snow Peak, a Japanese camping brand with 65 years of...
10 tips for catch and release fishing
Practicing good catch-and-release skills is more than just a good idea; it is a responsibility. Certainly, there’s nothing wrong with keeping a few fish for dinner or putting a few away in the f...
Tips til Top Fluefiskeri fra en New Zealand Guide
Det har været ret bemærkelsesværdigt i løbet af 25 års guidning, at fluefiskere sjældent øver deres kasteteknikker fra det ene år til det andet, og ofte overlader det til kun, når de fisker. Heldig...
How to choose the right fly rod
When it comes to selecting the right fly rod, there is a bewildering array of choices. Length, weight (or more correctly, power), action, material, and budget all come into play. Here are some cons...
Welcome Brian Bennett to the Epic Family
You may not have ever met Brian Bennett, a.k.a. "Grandmaster Fish," but if you regularly pick up a fly rod, he has likely made your fly fishing life better. A veteran of the outdoor industry with a...
Photography on the Water: Help Your Buddy Nail the Hero Shot
A couple quick tips to up-level your photography on your next fishing trip. Spend enough time on the water fishing with friends and, at some point, someone is going to want pictures of their fish...