How to assemble and fit a skeleton fly reel seat fly rod building kit

Fly Rod Building - Assembling and preparing the blank and cap & ring reel seat on an Epic 370 Kit

Fly Rod Building with Epic Ambassador Peter Corzilius as he shows how to prepare and assemble the cork skeleton reel seat on the Epic 370

ClipsFly rod building How to wrap fly rod guides - close up

How To Wrap A Fly Rod - Close Up Wrapping fly rod guides on an Epic 686

Close up Fly Rod Building with Epic Ambassador Peter Corzilius as he shows how to wrap the guides on a fly rod.

ClipsUnboxing 6 wt fiberglass fly rod building kit

Unboxing the Epic 686 Ready To Wrap Fly Rod Building Kit

Unboxing the Epic 686 Ready to Wrap Fly Rod Building Kit. Fly Rod Building with Epic Ambassador Peter Corzilius as he unboxes the Epic 686 Ready to wrap fly rod building kit.

ClipsFly Rod Building kits unboxing the epic 370 fly rod building kit

Epic Ready to Wrap Fly Rod Building Kits - Unboxing the Epic 370

Fly Rod Building with Epic Ambassador Peter Corzilius unboxes the Epic 370, 3 weight fly rod building kit

ClipsFly Rod Building Kit Epic 686 fly rod kit unboxing

Fly Rod Building Kits - Unboxing the Epic 686 Fly Rod Kit

Fly Rod Building with Epic Ambassador Peter Corzilius unboxes the Epic 686, 6 weight fly rod building kit

ClipsFly Rod Building fitting a fighting butt and reel seat

Fly Rod Building - Fitting a grip and fighting butt

Fly Rod Building with Epic Ambassador Peter Corzilius shows how to fit a grip and fighting butt on a fly rod.