fly fishing

What is the best 6 weight fly rod for New Zealand?

Epic 690G voted Best 6 wt fly rods for fly fishing in New Zealand

What is the best 6 weight fly rod for New Zealand?

While the term "Best 6wt Fly Rod" is pretty subjective, we produce a couple of 6 wts that have been specifically designed for New Zealand conditions

However, there's no doubt that a 6 weight, 9ft, 4 piece fly rod is the all round best fly rod for fly fishing New Zealand.

Why Choose a 6 wt Fly Rod?

A 6 wt fly rod is the perfect balance between power and finesse. It offers enough strength to handle larger fish and windy conditions, while still providing the delicate presentation needed for fooling selective trout. When fishing in New Zealand, where the wind can be a constant challenge, a 6wt rod is a reliable choice.

Features of the Best 6 wt Fly Rods

When selecting a 6wt fly rod for your New Zealand adventure, look for the following features:

  • 4 Piece Design: Opt for a rod that breaks down into four pieces for easy transportation and storage.
  • Length: A 9-foot rod is the standard length for versatility in various fly fishing situations.
  • Full Wells Grip: Being a larger fly rod, this type of grip provides comfort and control, allowing you to cast accurately and effortlessly.
  • Fighting Butt: Generally the most popular option in New Zealand on a 6 weight fly rod.
  • Powerful: The rod should have enough backbone to handle large flies, such as streamers, and double fly rigs which are commonly used in New Zealand.
  • Quality components that will last: Our 690G 6wt fly rod features Fuji titanium stripping guides and premium Flor grade cork

Fuji Titanium guides on our EPic 690G 6 wt fly rod for fly fishing New Zealand

Top Recommendations

Here are our top recommendations for the best 6wt fly rods for New Zealand:

  1. Epic 690G 6 wt Fly Rod: The  Epic 690G offers exceptional performance and accuracy. Its medium fast action allows for long casts, and it's lightweight design reduces fatigue during long fishing days. The matte back finish menas its stealthy and virtually eliminates rod flash
  2. Epic 686 6 wt Fly Rod: Virtually indestructible, if fiberglass fly rods are your thing the 6wt Fiberglass Epic 686 FastGlass can handle just about anything you throw at it


When fly fishing in New Zealand, a 6wt fly rod is a must-have tool. Its versatility and ability to handle various fishing conditions make it the go-to choice for anglers. Consider the features and recommendations mentioned in this blog post to find the best 6wt fly rod for your New Zealand adventure. Happy fishing!

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