We take pride ourselves not only on the quality of our gear, but on our terrific customers service. We get a lot of great customer feedback and reviews on our gear. If you take a look at the footer of every product page it's highly likely you'll find a bunch of great reviews there from enthusiastic customers from all over the world.
This review for our famous 686 Ready to Wrap Fly Rod Kit takes the cake so far! (Yes, it's from a verified customer)
If you are even vaguely interested in building your own fly rod, our kits are a guaranteed success.
J. Winston said: The name Epic couldn't be more perfect!
Well, I've been fishing this rods for 2.5 weeks since completing the build of my 686 (Green). Not only is the rod F&CKING EPIC, but it casts tight loops, very accurate caster, has a great feel and response, and the rod has a great backbone when needed. Pretty much everyone who's cast the rods yells out expletives followed by awesome, Epic, gnarly, amazing, or many similar synonyms. Not only is the rod beautiful, it functions perfectly. Thanks Swift for making such a great product, it's obvious you all care a great deal about building a beautiful rod and more importantly a F**KING AWESOME rod which is fit for the Fly Fishing GODS! Fiberglass fly-rodders beware, these things are like drugs! Very addictive!