Fly Rod Building Kits by Epic - building the Epic 888 fly rod

Fly Rod Building - The Epic 888 Fly Rod Building Kit

The Epic 888 Fly Rod Building Kit Join Epic Ambassador Norbert Renaud as demonstrates building a fly rod using the Epic 888 Fly Rod Building Kit.

AdventureNew Zealand Fly Fishing  Guides tips

Lessons From A New Zealand Fly Fishing Guide

As a fly fishing guide working in the South Island of New Zealand our normal clientele would be international anglers - but with the whole world wide pandemic our client base has changed to the dom...

AdventureFly Fishing For Sea Run Brown trout with fly rods

Fly Fishing For Sea Run Brown Trout

Epic Ambassador Peter Corzilius reflects on a recent Sea Run Brown Trout session in Sweden Catching a large trout on a fly rod is the greatest achievement for many fly anglers. For most anglers tro...

How to choose the right fly rod

How to Choose a Fly Rod

When you go through all the above considerations in choosing a fly rod, you will get a strong rod and, of course, the proper material used to make it. There are several fly rod material types, incl...

Fly Rod Combos

Fly Rod Combo's make for the Perfect Fly Rod Setup

As an angler, you are going to be able to save a considerable about of money by buying a fly rod combo, rather than opting for just a rod and then having to buy everything else separately. With a f...

AnnouncementsGraphene fly rods Epic Fly Rods by Swift Fly Fishing

The truth about Graphene fly rods

What exactly is Graphene and why use Graphene in fly rod manufacture?Graphene is the name for an atom-thick honeycomb layer of carbon atoms. Harder than diamond yet more elastic than rubber; tough...